
Insektenbörse (English: Insect Exchange) was a German entomology magazine established in 1884. It was renamed Entomologisches Wochenblatt (English: Entomology Weekly) in 1907-1908 and renamed again Entomologische Rundschau (English: Entomological Review) in 1909-1939. Beginning with volume 26 the journal was published by Alfred Kernen Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. Insekten-Börse was also issued at various times as a trade supplement to Entomologische Zeitschrift (English: Entomological Journal).


Insektenbörse (English: Insect Exchange) was a German entomology magazine established in 1884. It was renamed Entomologisches Wochenblatt (English: Entomology Weekly) in 1907-1908 and renamed again Entomologische Rundschau (English: Entomological Review) in 1909-1939. Beginning with volume 26 the journal was published by Alfred Kernen Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. Insekten-Börse was also issued at various times as a trade supplement to Entomologische Zeitschrift (English: Entomological Journal).