Interactive Robots and Media Lab

The Interactive Robots and Media Lab (IRML) is a research laboratory, originally hosted at the College of IT of the United Arab Emirates University in Al-Ain, Abu Dhabi Emirate, UAE, then moved on to the CSE facilities of New York University Abu Dhabi. Starting January 2013 IRML is expanding, emancipating, and partially commercializing its operations. The lab has been featured in regional as well as international news numerous times, on venues such as the BBC, Agence France Press (AFP), The UAE National, Al Jazeera TV etc.

Interactive Robots and Media Lab

The Interactive Robots and Media Lab (IRML) is a research laboratory, originally hosted at the College of IT of the United Arab Emirates University in Al-Ain, Abu Dhabi Emirate, UAE, then moved on to the CSE facilities of New York University Abu Dhabi. Starting January 2013 IRML is expanding, emancipating, and partially commercializing its operations. The lab has been featured in regional as well as international news numerous times, on venues such as the BBC, Agence France Press (AFP), The UAE National, Al Jazeera TV etc.