International Architecture Biennal Rotterdam

The International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) is a bi-annual international event bringing together international knowledge and experience in various design disciplines (architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture), and presenting this knowledge and experience to a broader audience. Unlike other events such as the Venice Biennale of Architecture, the IABR is a thematically designed research biennal; each edition addresses a pressing issue, from the perspective of current (Dutch) practices within an international context, and always with a focus on the future of the city.

International Architecture Biennal Rotterdam

The International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) is a bi-annual international event bringing together international knowledge and experience in various design disciplines (architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture), and presenting this knowledge and experience to a broader audience. Unlike other events such as the Venice Biennale of Architecture, the IABR is a thematically designed research biennal; each edition addresses a pressing issue, from the perspective of current (Dutch) practices within an international context, and always with a focus on the future of the city.