Jackdaws Music Education Trust

Jackdaws Music Education Trust is a charitable organisation specialising in Classical music education. Focussing on children and adult amateur musicians, it runs year round weekend courses, an extensive series of education projects with Somerset schools and a Young Artist programme. It was established in 1993 by Mezzo-soprano Maureen Lehane at her home in Great Elm, a village close to the Somerset town of Frome. The organisation has the aim of bringing Classical music of the highest standard to people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.

Jackdaws Music Education Trust

Jackdaws Music Education Trust is a charitable organisation specialising in Classical music education. Focussing on children and adult amateur musicians, it runs year round weekend courses, an extensive series of education projects with Somerset schools and a Young Artist programme. It was established in 1993 by Mezzo-soprano Maureen Lehane at her home in Great Elm, a village close to the Somerset town of Frome. The organisation has the aim of bringing Classical music of the highest standard to people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.