Jakub Weinles

Jakub Weinles (born 1870 in Starokostiantyniv, died 1938 in Warsaw) was a Polish painter of Jewish ancestry, creating art around Jewish culture, and an active participant of the Jewish Society of the Nurture of Fine Arts (Yiddish: Jidiszer Gezelszaft cu Farszprajnt Kunst, Polish: Żydowskie Towarzystwo Krzewienia Sztuk Pięknych). * On the Eve of Yom Kippur * Nude * Portrait of a Jew

Jakub Weinles

Jakub Weinles (born 1870 in Starokostiantyniv, died 1938 in Warsaw) was a Polish painter of Jewish ancestry, creating art around Jewish culture, and an active participant of the Jewish Society of the Nurture of Fine Arts (Yiddish: Jidiszer Gezelszaft cu Farszprajnt Kunst, Polish: Żydowskie Towarzystwo Krzewienia Sztuk Pięknych). * On the Eve of Yom Kippur * Nude * Portrait of a Jew