Janina R. Galler

Janina R. Galler, MD, is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Psychiatrist in the Chester M. Pierce MD Division of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her research, including a 45-year Barbados Nutrition Study in the Lesser Antilles, in the Americas. Her longitudinal study showed the intergenerational legacy of poverty and disadvantage that result from childhood malnutrition. In 1984, Galler published Nutrition and Behavior, part 3 in a 5-volume series, Human Nutrition: A Comprehensive Treatise.

Janina R. Galler

Janina R. Galler, MD, is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Psychiatrist in the Chester M. Pierce MD Division of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her research, including a 45-year Barbados Nutrition Study in the Lesser Antilles, in the Americas. Her longitudinal study showed the intergenerational legacy of poverty and disadvantage that result from childhood malnutrition. In 1984, Galler published Nutrition and Behavior, part 3 in a 5-volume series, Human Nutrition: A Comprehensive Treatise.