Jason Rosell

Jason Rosell is the world’s only TV/Fitness Personality and Music artist from the roots of Spain and Puerto Rico to combine his original dance music and fitness programs all in one. His workout’s and music videos have been featured in top-tier media such as, "Sweat Inc" hosted by "Jillian Michaels" on Spike TV, Steve Harvey, E! Entertainment, VH1, MTV, Men’s Health Magazine, Women’s Health Magazine, Glamour Magazine and many more. Jason was the host and celebrity fitness/nutrition expert for Being Fat Sucks, a show sponsored by GOOGLE with over 9.1 million viewers. Jason has graced the cover of over 50 international magazines and has worked with some of Hollywood’s top entertainers.

Jason Rosell

Jason Rosell is the world’s only TV/Fitness Personality and Music artist from the roots of Spain and Puerto Rico to combine his original dance music and fitness programs all in one. His workout’s and music videos have been featured in top-tier media such as, "Sweat Inc" hosted by "Jillian Michaels" on Spike TV, Steve Harvey, E! Entertainment, VH1, MTV, Men’s Health Magazine, Women’s Health Magazine, Glamour Magazine and many more. Jason was the host and celebrity fitness/nutrition expert for Being Fat Sucks, a show sponsored by GOOGLE with over 9.1 million viewers. Jason has graced the cover of over 50 international magazines and has worked with some of Hollywood’s top entertainers.