Jersey City Armory

The Jersey City Armory is located at 678 Montgomery Street near McGinley Square in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. In addition to being a military training and mustering facility of the New Jersey National Guard (New Jersey National Guard 2/113 Infantry 250 Jersey City), the WPA era armory has long been used as a sports arena, particularly for boxing, basketball, and track and field events, and more recently mixed martial arts.

Jersey City Armory

The Jersey City Armory is located at 678 Montgomery Street near McGinley Square in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. In addition to being a military training and mustering facility of the New Jersey National Guard (New Jersey National Guard 2/113 Infantry 250 Jersey City), the WPA era armory has long been used as a sports arena, particularly for boxing, basketball, and track and field events, and more recently mixed martial arts.