Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District

Primarily a wholesaler of water to cities and improvement districts within Salt Lake County, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District is a political subdivision of the State of Utah and one of the largest water districts in the state. It was created in 1951 under the Water Conservancy District Act and was called Salt Lake County Water Conservancy District until 1999. Jordan Valley Water is the largest petitioner of the Central Utah Project, a Federal water project which will annually provide up to 71,400 acre feet (88,100,000 m3) of water to Jordan Valley Water by 2021.

Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District

Primarily a wholesaler of water to cities and improvement districts within Salt Lake County, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District is a political subdivision of the State of Utah and one of the largest water districts in the state. It was created in 1951 under the Water Conservancy District Act and was called Salt Lake County Water Conservancy District until 1999. Jordan Valley Water is the largest petitioner of the Central Utah Project, a Federal water project which will annually provide up to 71,400 acre feet (88,100,000 m3) of water to Jordan Valley Water by 2021.