Julian Brown

Julian Brown was born in 1974 and lives and works in London. He studied at Liverpool John Moores University, England (1993–96) and Royal Academy Schools, London (1998–2001). His work is heavily influenced by childhood visions and the folk-art from his Polish mother. In 2016 he was long-listed for the John Moores Painting Prize 2016 and in 2012 was shortlisted for the Marmite Prize in Painting IV (2012–13). Brown has exhibited his work nationally and internationally and is a member of Contemporary British Painting

Julian Brown

Julian Brown was born in 1974 and lives and works in London. He studied at Liverpool John Moores University, England (1993–96) and Royal Academy Schools, London (1998–2001). His work is heavily influenced by childhood visions and the folk-art from his Polish mother. In 2016 he was long-listed for the John Moores Painting Prize 2016 and in 2012 was shortlisted for the Marmite Prize in Painting IV (2012–13). Brown has exhibited his work nationally and internationally and is a member of Contemporary British Painting