Julian day

Julian day is the continuous count of days since the beginning of the Julian Period used primarily by astronomers. The Julian Day Number (JDN) is the integer assigned to a whole solar day in the Julian day count starting from noon Greenwich Mean Time, with Julian day number 0 assigned to the day starting at noon on January 1, 4713 BC, proleptic Julian calendar (November 24, 4714 BC, in the proleptic Gregorian calendar), a date at which three multi-year cycles started (which are: Indiction, Solar, and Lunar cycles) and which preceded any historical dates. For example, the Julian day number for the day starting at 12:00 UT on January 1, 2000, was 2,451,545.

Julian day

Julian day is the continuous count of days since the beginning of the Julian Period used primarily by astronomers. The Julian Day Number (JDN) is the integer assigned to a whole solar day in the Julian day count starting from noon Greenwich Mean Time, with Julian day number 0 assigned to the day starting at noon on January 1, 4713 BC, proleptic Julian calendar (November 24, 4714 BC, in the proleptic Gregorian calendar), a date at which three multi-year cycles started (which are: Indiction, Solar, and Lunar cycles) and which preceded any historical dates. For example, the Julian day number for the day starting at 12:00 UT on January 1, 2000, was 2,451,545.