Justified (TV series)

Justified is an American crime drama television series that premiered on March 16, 2010, on the FX network. Developed by Graham Yost, it is based on Elmore Leonard's short story "Fire in the Hole". Timothy Olyphant portrays Raylan Givens, a tough U.S. Marshal enforcing his own brand of justice in his hometown of Harlan, Kentucky. The series is set in Lexington and in the Appalachian mountains area of eastern Kentucky, specifically in and around Harlan. The series, comprising 78 episodes aired over six seasons, concluded on April 14, 2015.

Justified (TV series)

Justified is an American crime drama television series that premiered on March 16, 2010, on the FX network. Developed by Graham Yost, it is based on Elmore Leonard's short story "Fire in the Hole". Timothy Olyphant portrays Raylan Givens, a tough U.S. Marshal enforcing his own brand of justice in his hometown of Harlan, Kentucky. The series is set in Lexington and in the Appalachian mountains area of eastern Kentucky, specifically in and around Harlan. The series, comprising 78 episodes aired over six seasons, concluded on April 14, 2015.