Köpenick's week of bloodshed

Köpenick's week of bloodshed (German "Köpenicker Blutwoche") is the name given to a week of arrests, torture and killings by the SA between 21 and 26 June 1933. The victims were civilians and the Berlin suburb of Köpenick, where it took place, was thought by the new government (and others) to contain particularly large numbers of Communists and Jews.

Köpenick's week of bloodshed

Köpenick's week of bloodshed (German "Köpenicker Blutwoche") is the name given to a week of arrests, torture and killings by the SA between 21 and 26 June 1933. The victims were civilians and the Berlin suburb of Köpenick, where it took place, was thought by the new government (and others) to contain particularly large numbers of Communists and Jews.