K-trivial set

In mathematics, a set of natural numbers is called a K-trivial set if its initial segments viewed as binary strings are easy to describe: the prefix-free Kolmogorov complexity is as low as possible, close to that of a computable set. Solovay proved in 1975 that a set can be K-trivial without being computable. At the same time, K-trivial sets are close to computable. For instance, they are all superlow, i.e. sets whose Turing jump is computable from the Halting problem, and form a Turing ideal, i.e. class of sets closed under Turing join and closed downward under Turing reduction.

K-trivial set

In mathematics, a set of natural numbers is called a K-trivial set if its initial segments viewed as binary strings are easy to describe: the prefix-free Kolmogorov complexity is as low as possible, close to that of a computable set. Solovay proved in 1975 that a set can be K-trivial without being computable. At the same time, K-trivial sets are close to computable. For instance, they are all superlow, i.e. sets whose Turing jump is computable from the Halting problem, and form a Turing ideal, i.e. class of sets closed under Turing join and closed downward under Turing reduction.