KLT-40 reactor

The KLT-40 and KLT-40M reactors are nuclear fission reactors used to power the Taymyr-class icebreakers (KLT-40M, 171 MW) and the LASH carrier Sevmorput (KLT-40, 135 MW). They are pressurized water reactors (PWR) fueled by either 30–40% or 90 % enriched uranium-235 fuel to produce 135 to 171 MW of thermal power.

KLT-40 reactor

The KLT-40 and KLT-40M reactors are nuclear fission reactors used to power the Taymyr-class icebreakers (KLT-40M, 171 MW) and the LASH carrier Sevmorput (KLT-40, 135 MW). They are pressurized water reactors (PWR) fueled by either 30–40% or 90 % enriched uranium-235 fuel to produce 135 to 171 MW of thermal power.