
Kaššu-nādin-aḫi or -aḫḫē, mBI(=kaš)-šú-u-MU-ŠEŠ, “(the) Kassite (god) gives (a) brother(s),” was the 3rd and final king of the 2nd Sealand Dynasty of Babylon, ca 1006–1004 BC. His brief three-year reign was marked by distressed times and famine so severe that it caused the suspension of the regular food and drink offerings at the Ebabbar, or white house, temple of Šamaš in Sippar.


Kaššu-nādin-aḫi or -aḫḫē, mBI(=kaš)-šú-u-MU-ŠEŠ, “(the) Kassite (god) gives (a) brother(s),” was the 3rd and final king of the 2nd Sealand Dynasty of Babylon, ca 1006–1004 BC. His brief three-year reign was marked by distressed times and famine so severe that it caused the suspension of the regular food and drink offerings at the Ebabbar, or white house, temple of Šamaš in Sippar.