
The katal (symbol: kat) is the SI unit of catalytic activity. It is a derived SI unit for quantifying the catalytic activity of enzymes (measuring the enzymatic activity level in enzyme catalysis) and other catalysts. Its use is recommended by the General Conference on Weights and Measures and other international organizations. It replaces the non-SI enzyme unit. Enzyme units are, however, still more commonly used than the katal in practice at present, especially in biochemistry.


The katal (symbol: kat) is the SI unit of catalytic activity. It is a derived SI unit for quantifying the catalytic activity of enzymes (measuring the enzymatic activity level in enzyme catalysis) and other catalysts. Its use is recommended by the General Conference on Weights and Measures and other international organizations. It replaces the non-SI enzyme unit. Enzyme units are, however, still more commonly used than the katal in practice at present, especially in biochemistry.