Kazakh Khanate

The Kazakh Khanate (Kazakh: Қазақ хандығы, Qazaq xandığı, قازاق حاندىعى) was a Turkic Kazakh state, the successor of the Golden Horde, existing from 1456–1847, located roughly on the territory of the present-day Republic of Kazakhstan. At its height the khanate ruled from eastern Cumania (modern-day West Kazakhstan) to most of Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan and the Syr Darya river with military confrontation as far as Astrakhan and Khorasan Province, which is now in Iran. Slaves were also captured by frequent Kazakh raids into territory belonging to Russia, Central Asia, and Western Siberia (Bashkortostan) during the Kazakh Khanate. The Khanate was later weakened by a series of Oirat and Dzungar invasions, devastating raids and warfare. These resulted in decline and further disintegration into

Kazakh Khanate

The Kazakh Khanate (Kazakh: Қазақ хандығы, Qazaq xandığı, قازاق حاندىعى) was a Turkic Kazakh state, the successor of the Golden Horde, existing from 1456–1847, located roughly on the territory of the present-day Republic of Kazakhstan. At its height the khanate ruled from eastern Cumania (modern-day West Kazakhstan) to most of Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan and the Syr Darya river with military confrontation as far as Astrakhan and Khorasan Province, which is now in Iran. Slaves were also captured by frequent Kazakh raids into territory belonging to Russia, Central Asia, and Western Siberia (Bashkortostan) during the Kazakh Khanate. The Khanate was later weakened by a series of Oirat and Dzungar invasions, devastating raids and warfare. These resulted in decline and further disintegration into