Kekkonen I Cabinet

Urho Kekkonen's first cabinet was the 33rd government of Republic of Finland. Cabinet's time period was from March 17, 1950 to January 17, 1951. It was Minority government.Kekkonen's first cabinet's foreign policy meant a turn in Finnish-Soviet relationships. Kekkonen took bigger role in Soviet relationship's than president Paasikivi and signed the Soviet sponsored World Peace Council's Act about banning atomic weapons. In June 1950 Kekkonen travelled to Moscow to agree about the first five-year agreement between Finnish-Soviet trade.

Kekkonen I Cabinet

Urho Kekkonen's first cabinet was the 33rd government of Republic of Finland. Cabinet's time period was from March 17, 1950 to January 17, 1951. It was Minority government.Kekkonen's first cabinet's foreign policy meant a turn in Finnish-Soviet relationships. Kekkonen took bigger role in Soviet relationship's than president Paasikivi and signed the Soviet sponsored World Peace Council's Act about banning atomic weapons. In June 1950 Kekkonen travelled to Moscow to agree about the first five-year agreement between Finnish-Soviet trade.