Khalid ibn Sa`id

Khālid ibn Sa`īd ibn al-As or Khalid ibn Sa`d ibn al-`As al-Amawi (Arabic: خالد بن سعيد‎‎) (d. 634 CE), was a companion to Muhammad. He converted to Iʻslam before 613 CE along with his brother ʻAmr. He migrated to Abyssinia along with his wife Hamaniya, where he acted as Umm Habiba's wali when she married Muhammad while she was in Abyssinia. He was one of the prominent Muhajirun companions, who rejected the allegiance at the Saqifa. In 633 CE he was appointed commander of Syrian campaign by Abu Bakr.

Khalid ibn Sa`id

Khālid ibn Sa`īd ibn al-As or Khalid ibn Sa`d ibn al-`As al-Amawi (Arabic: خالد بن سعيد‎‎) (d. 634 CE), was a companion to Muhammad. He converted to Iʻslam before 613 CE along with his brother ʻAmr. He migrated to Abyssinia along with his wife Hamaniya, where he acted as Umm Habiba's wali when she married Muhammad while she was in Abyssinia. He was one of the prominent Muhajirun companions, who rejected the allegiance at the Saqifa. In 633 CE he was appointed commander of Syrian campaign by Abu Bakr.