Klaxon (magazine)

Klaxon - mensario de arte moderna (Klaxon- modern art monthly) was a Brazilian literary magazine who ran from May 15, 1922 to January 1923. The publication was the main divulgator of the Brazilian Modernism, after the Week of Modern Art held in São Paulo. Klaxon lasted for nine issues, and had among its collaborators Mário de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade, Di Cavalcanti, Tarsila do Amaral, Anita Malfatti, Menotti Del Picchia and other artists. In 2013, the magazine's complete editions were collected in a book.

Klaxon (magazine)

Klaxon - mensario de arte moderna (Klaxon- modern art monthly) was a Brazilian literary magazine who ran from May 15, 1922 to January 1923. The publication was the main divulgator of the Brazilian Modernism, after the Week of Modern Art held in São Paulo. Klaxon lasted for nine issues, and had among its collaborators Mário de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade, Di Cavalcanti, Tarsila do Amaral, Anita Malfatti, Menotti Del Picchia and other artists. In 2013, the magazine's complete editions were collected in a book.