Kost u grlu

Kost u grlu (trans. Bone in the Throat) is the 1979 debut album from Serbian and former Yugoslav rock band Riblja Čorba. The album was polled in 1998 as the 16th on the list of 100 greatest Yugoslav rock and pop albums in the book YU 100: najbolji albumi jugoslovenske rok i pop muzike (YU 100: The Best albums of Yugoslav pop and rock music).

Kost u grlu

Kost u grlu (trans. Bone in the Throat) is the 1979 debut album from Serbian and former Yugoslav rock band Riblja Čorba. The album was polled in 1998 as the 16th on the list of 100 greatest Yugoslav rock and pop albums in the book YU 100: najbolji albumi jugoslovenske rok i pop muzike (YU 100: The Best albums of Yugoslav pop and rock music).