LGBT+ Liberal Democrats

LGBT+ Liberal Democrats is a British lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender & sexual minorities equality group of the Liberal Democrats political party. The organisation is one of several Specified Associated Organisations, giving it special status within the party, and has been referred to as one of the "most important" of such groups. The group campaigns both within the party and UK-wide on LGBT+ issues, as well as mentoring and providing advice to the party's candidates.

LGBT+ Liberal Democrats

LGBT+ Liberal Democrats is a British lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender & sexual minorities equality group of the Liberal Democrats political party. The organisation is one of several Specified Associated Organisations, giving it special status within the party, and has been referred to as one of the "most important" of such groups. The group campaigns both within the party and UK-wide on LGBT+ issues, as well as mentoring and providing advice to the party's candidates.