La patrie en danger

La patrie en danger (French: "The country (fatherland) in danger") refers to a declaration by the French Assembly on 11 July 1792 in response to Prussia joining Austria against France. Along with the Levée en masse declared the next year, it was part of the growing idea of "people's war" which developed during the French Revolution, where ideology "not only mobilized manpower for the regular armies, but also inspired ordinary people to fight on their own account." The text of the declaration reads:

La patrie en danger

La patrie en danger (French: "The country (fatherland) in danger") refers to a declaration by the French Assembly on 11 July 1792 in response to Prussia joining Austria against France. Along with the Levée en masse declared the next year, it was part of the growing idea of "people's war" which developed during the French Revolution, where ideology "not only mobilized manpower for the regular armies, but also inspired ordinary people to fight on their own account." The text of the declaration reads: