Land reform in South Vietnam

A land reform program called Land to the Tiller was implemented in South Vietnam on March 26 1970 by the president Nguyen Van Thieu, at the height of the Vietnam War. The reform intended to solve the problem of land tenancy by taking land from the landlords who are not laboring to the tenant farmers; the landlords are then compensated. Individual land holding was limited to 15 hectares. Legal title was extended to peasants in areas under control of the South Vietnamese government to whom land had previously been distributed by the Viet Cong.

Land reform in South Vietnam

A land reform program called Land to the Tiller was implemented in South Vietnam on March 26 1970 by the president Nguyen Van Thieu, at the height of the Vietnam War. The reform intended to solve the problem of land tenancy by taking land from the landlords who are not laboring to the tenant farmers; the landlords are then compensated. Individual land holding was limited to 15 hectares. Legal title was extended to peasants in areas under control of the South Vietnamese government to whom land had previously been distributed by the Viet Cong.