Language Teaching (journal)

Language Teaching is an academic journal in language education that publishes approximately 30 research articles a year in the field of second-language teaching and learning. Published by Cambridge University Press, papers focus on specific topics, languages and countries. There are also replication, research articles, survey of doctoral dissertations, topic based research timelines, key conference speeches, comparative book reviews, research reports from organizations and colloquia, and an annual round-up of the most significant work published on second-language teaching and learning.

Language Teaching (journal)

Language Teaching is an academic journal in language education that publishes approximately 30 research articles a year in the field of second-language teaching and learning. Published by Cambridge University Press, papers focus on specific topics, languages and countries. There are also replication, research articles, survey of doctoral dissertations, topic based research timelines, key conference speeches, comparative book reviews, research reports from organizations and colloquia, and an annual round-up of the most significant work published on second-language teaching and learning.