Language program director

A Language Program Director (LPD) is a usually senior academic position in United States universities. In some institutions a LPD can also be referred to as a 'Language Program Coordinator' (LPC), while in others the LPD has a hierarchically higher position than an LPC, the latter coordinating just one course level. LPDs usually coordinate all levels of instruction of undergraduate language programs. Most LPDs are not on a tenure-track because traditionally linguistic studies have been considered by Departments of Foreign Languages and Literatures as less important than literary studies. According to a recent MLA report, this is a trend that should be reversed. In the past LPD positions were generally filled by people - usually women - with degrees in literature and no training in second l

Language program director

A Language Program Director (LPD) is a usually senior academic position in United States universities. In some institutions a LPD can also be referred to as a 'Language Program Coordinator' (LPC), while in others the LPD has a hierarchically higher position than an LPC, the latter coordinating just one course level. LPDs usually coordinate all levels of instruction of undergraduate language programs. Most LPDs are not on a tenure-track because traditionally linguistic studies have been considered by Departments of Foreign Languages and Literatures as less important than literary studies. According to a recent MLA report, this is a trend that should be reversed. In the past LPD positions were generally filled by people - usually women - with degrees in literature and no training in second l