Large-tooth sawfish

The large-tooth sawfish, Pristis perotteti, is a sawfish of the family Pristidae, found in tropical and subtropical parts of the Atlantic and east Pacific, but possibly now extirpated from most of the east Atlantic. As its relatives, it also enters freshwater, and there are records as far inland as Santarém and Lake Nicaragua. It reaches a length of up to 6.5 metres (21 ft), and the maximum published weight is 591 kilograms (1,303 lb). Recent evidence strongly suggests P. microdon is synonymous with P. pristis. Consequently, the IUCN removed P. perotteti from their list, instead recognizing it as part of the critically endangered P. pristis.

Large-tooth sawfish

The large-tooth sawfish, Pristis perotteti, is a sawfish of the family Pristidae, found in tropical and subtropical parts of the Atlantic and east Pacific, but possibly now extirpated from most of the east Atlantic. As its relatives, it also enters freshwater, and there are records as far inland as Santarém and Lake Nicaragua. It reaches a length of up to 6.5 metres (21 ft), and the maximum published weight is 591 kilograms (1,303 lb). Recent evidence strongly suggests P. microdon is synonymous with P. pristis. Consequently, the IUCN removed P. perotteti from their list, instead recognizing it as part of the critically endangered P. pristis.