Laser sintering of gold

Laser sintering of gold is a jewellery manufacturing technique first developed by Towe Norlén and Lena Thorsson. Laser sintering of gold starts with gold powder, fine as flour. A laser beam sinters (melts) the gold flour locally in an extremely small point, and any shape may be ‘drawn’ precisely with the laser beam, in three dimensions. When the gold object is finished, it is gently brushed from the leftover gold flour, in much the same way as in an archaeological dig.

Laser sintering of gold

Laser sintering of gold is a jewellery manufacturing technique first developed by Towe Norlén and Lena Thorsson. Laser sintering of gold starts with gold powder, fine as flour. A laser beam sinters (melts) the gold flour locally in an extremely small point, and any shape may be ‘drawn’ precisely with the laser beam, in three dimensions. When the gold object is finished, it is gently brushed from the leftover gold flour, in much the same way as in an archaeological dig.