Last Gang Records

Last Gang Records is a record label that was formed by Canadian music industry lawyer Chris Taylor and concert promoter Donald K. Tarlton in the Fall of 2003 at the Pop Montreal Music Festival. As their music lawyer, Taylor had been working for the group Metric since the early days of 1998 and had literally "shopped" the band to over 100 record labels around the world but to no avail. He was prepared to release the album himself with his own money when he met with Tarlton. After viewing the Metric video for "Grow Up and Blow Away" (a single on a Metric album that would not be released until 2007) Donald offered to help Taylor realize his vision of introducing Metric's music to the world. They formed a joint venture company under the DKD label group Last Gang Records. Metric released their

Last Gang Records

Last Gang Records is a record label that was formed by Canadian music industry lawyer Chris Taylor and concert promoter Donald K. Tarlton in the Fall of 2003 at the Pop Montreal Music Festival. As their music lawyer, Taylor had been working for the group Metric since the early days of 1998 and had literally "shopped" the band to over 100 record labels around the world but to no avail. He was prepared to release the album himself with his own money when he met with Tarlton. After viewing the Metric video for "Grow Up and Blow Away" (a single on a Metric album that would not be released until 2007) Donald offered to help Taylor realize his vision of introducing Metric's music to the world. They formed a joint venture company under the DKD label group Last Gang Records. Metric released their