
Laureloceras is a genus of the tarphycerid family Plectoceratidae that lived during the Middle Silurian in what is now North America. The shell of Laureloceras is a smooth, slender, compressed cyrtocone or gyrocone with the venter more narrowly rounded than the dorsum.Sutures are transverse but may form broad lateral lobes. The siphuncle is subventral - close to the outer rim; necks are straight, connecting rings slightly expanded into the chambers. Cameral and siphonal deposits are lacking.


Laureloceras is a genus of the tarphycerid family Plectoceratidae that lived during the Middle Silurian in what is now North America. The shell of Laureloceras is a smooth, slender, compressed cyrtocone or gyrocone with the venter more narrowly rounded than the dorsum.Sutures are transverse but may form broad lateral lobes. The siphuncle is subventral - close to the outer rim; necks are straight, connecting rings slightly expanded into the chambers. Cameral and siphonal deposits are lacking.