Lazio regional election, 2013

The Lazio regional election of 2013 took place in Lazio, Italy, on 24–25 February 2013. Renata Polverini of the People of Freedom (PdL), who was elected President in 2010, was invested by an abrup scandal in October 2012 and finally led to her resignation. The other candidates were Davide Barillari (M5S), who received the 20% of the votes, Giulia Bongiorno (Civic Choice) and Alessandro Ruotolo (Civil Revolution).

Lazio regional election, 2013

The Lazio regional election of 2013 took place in Lazio, Italy, on 24–25 February 2013. Renata Polverini of the People of Freedom (PdL), who was elected President in 2010, was invested by an abrup scandal in October 2012 and finally led to her resignation. The other candidates were Davide Barillari (M5S), who received the 20% of the votes, Giulia Bongiorno (Civic Choice) and Alessandro Ruotolo (Civil Revolution).