Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Legislative Assembly of Queensland is the sole chamber of the unicameral Parliament of Queensland. Elections are held approximately once every three years. Voting is by the optional preferential voting form of the alternative vote system. The Assembly has 89 members, who have used the letters MP after their names since 2000 (previously they were styled MLAs). There is approximately the same population in each electorate; however, that has not always been the case (see Queensland's gerrymander). The Assembly first sat in May 1860 and produced Australia's first Hansard in April 1864.

Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Legislative Assembly of Queensland is the sole chamber of the unicameral Parliament of Queensland. Elections are held approximately once every three years. Voting is by the optional preferential voting form of the alternative vote system. The Assembly has 89 members, who have used the letters MP after their names since 2000 (previously they were styled MLAs). There is approximately the same population in each electorate; however, that has not always been the case (see Queensland's gerrymander). The Assembly first sat in May 1860 and produced Australia's first Hansard in April 1864.