Leopard Do Not Bite

Leopard Do Not Bite (Sinhalese: Dadayakkaraya) is a Sri Lankan drama directed by Prasanna Jayakody, starring Sanjeewa Upendra, Hemasiri Liyanage, and Christina Britto. It depicts a conflict between a monk and a hunter, giving a ground to a philosophical exploration of death's place in life. The story was inspired by Simon Navagattegama's novel Dadayakkaraya’s story. It was screened at 20th Busan International Film Festival 2015.

Leopard Do Not Bite

Leopard Do Not Bite (Sinhalese: Dadayakkaraya) is a Sri Lankan drama directed by Prasanna Jayakody, starring Sanjeewa Upendra, Hemasiri Liyanage, and Christina Britto. It depicts a conflict between a monk and a hunter, giving a ground to a philosophical exploration of death's place in life. The story was inspired by Simon Navagattegama's novel Dadayakkaraya’s story. It was screened at 20th Busan International Film Festival 2015.