Liberation News (Internationalist)

Liberation News (Internationalist) or usually just called Liberation News is a socialist print newspaper that appears irregularly as well as a regular online newsletter, edited by Steven Argue. Steven Argue is a former leader of the socialist California Peace and Freedom Party. He split from that group citing opposition to their support for the capitalist Democratic Party (United States) and Green Party (United States) in local elections as well as differences on the issue of the UN in Iraq. Steven Argue said no to any kind of occupation of Iraq, putting forward the slogan “US Out, UN Stay Out”, while Peace and Freedom Party State Chair, Kevin Akin, argued that the issue was not so simple.

Liberation News (Internationalist)

Liberation News (Internationalist) or usually just called Liberation News is a socialist print newspaper that appears irregularly as well as a regular online newsletter, edited by Steven Argue. Steven Argue is a former leader of the socialist California Peace and Freedom Party. He split from that group citing opposition to their support for the capitalist Democratic Party (United States) and Green Party (United States) in local elections as well as differences on the issue of the UN in Iraq. Steven Argue said no to any kind of occupation of Iraq, putting forward the slogan “US Out, UN Stay Out”, while Peace and Freedom Party State Chair, Kevin Akin, argued that the issue was not so simple.