Licia Verde

Licia Verde (born 1971, Venice, Italy) is an Italian cosmologist and theoretical physicist and currently ICREA Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Barcelona and a Professor II at the University of Oslo. Her research interests include large-scale-structure, dark energy, inflation and the cosmic microwave background. She is a highly cited and prolific author and known primarily for work on large-scale structure, analysis of the WMAP data and development of rigurous statistical tools to analyse surveys of the Universe.

Licia Verde

Licia Verde (born 1971, Venice, Italy) is an Italian cosmologist and theoretical physicist and currently ICREA Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Barcelona and a Professor II at the University of Oslo. Her research interests include large-scale-structure, dark energy, inflation and the cosmic microwave background. She is a highly cited and prolific author and known primarily for work on large-scale structure, analysis of the WMAP data and development of rigurous statistical tools to analyse surveys of the Universe.