Lightweight Small Arms Technologies

The Lightweight Small Arms Technologies (LSAT) program is funded by the U.S. Joint Service Small Arms Program, with the goal of significantly reducing the weight of small arms and their ammunition. Following a series of military programs to investigate advances in small arms (the SPIW program, the Future Rifle Program, the ACR program, and the OICW program), the LSAT program is the US Military's latest project to replace existing US small arms. Tactical concepts and the research from the previous small arms programs indicates that lightening small arms is only the first significant step in small arms design towards increasing soldiers' lethality and survivability.

Lightweight Small Arms Technologies

The Lightweight Small Arms Technologies (LSAT) program is funded by the U.S. Joint Service Small Arms Program, with the goal of significantly reducing the weight of small arms and their ammunition. Following a series of military programs to investigate advances in small arms (the SPIW program, the Future Rifle Program, the ACR program, and the OICW program), the LSAT program is the US Military's latest project to replace existing US small arms. Tactical concepts and the research from the previous small arms programs indicates that lightening small arms is only the first significant step in small arms design towards increasing soldiers' lethality and survivability.