List of Australian hospital ships

The Australian Hospital Ships (the prefix ‘AHS’ was added to the names of these ships) were a number of converted civilian ships used for medical services during the Second World War. They were all staffed primarily by the Army Medical staff. The ships fell into two groups: Australian ships and Dutch ships transferred to the Australian Government. The Dutch ships retained their original Dutch officers and Javanese sailors, with replacements from an international pool being added as necessary, and they also continued to sail under the Dutch flag.

List of Australian hospital ships

The Australian Hospital Ships (the prefix ‘AHS’ was added to the names of these ships) were a number of converted civilian ships used for medical services during the Second World War. They were all staffed primarily by the Army Medical staff. The ships fell into two groups: Australian ships and Dutch ships transferred to the Australian Government. The Dutch ships retained their original Dutch officers and Javanese sailors, with replacements from an international pool being added as necessary, and they also continued to sail under the Dutch flag.