List of bands associated with Ringo Sheena

Japanese singer Ringo Sheena has been a member of many bands in the course of her career. Most of those listed were during the 1990s and early 2000s and have two-word names, the first being in kanji and the second in katakana. This naming convention is also present in her studio albums Muzai Moratorium (1999), Shōso Strip (2000) and later in 2009, Sanmon Gossip, as well as the songs "Rinne Highlight" (輪廻ハイライト) (1999), "Marunouchi Sadistic" (丸の内サディスティック) (1999), her unpublished song "Nyūtō Destroyer" (乳頭デストロイヤー) (1999), "Benkai Debussy" (弁解ドビュッシー) (2000) and "Byōshō Public" (病床パブリック) (2000).

List of bands associated with Ringo Sheena

Japanese singer Ringo Sheena has been a member of many bands in the course of her career. Most of those listed were during the 1990s and early 2000s and have two-word names, the first being in kanji and the second in katakana. This naming convention is also present in her studio albums Muzai Moratorium (1999), Shōso Strip (2000) and later in 2009, Sanmon Gossip, as well as the songs "Rinne Highlight" (輪廻ハイライト) (1999), "Marunouchi Sadistic" (丸の内サディスティック) (1999), her unpublished song "Nyūtō Destroyer" (乳頭デストロイヤー) (1999), "Benkai Debussy" (弁解ドビュッシー) (2000) and "Byōshō Public" (病床パブリック) (2000).