List of subspecies of Euphydryas editha

This list of subspecies of Euphydryas editha is subject to change as the nomenclature is altered or new subspecies are found. Euphydryas editha: Edith’s Checkerspot Butterfly. * Euphydryas editha alebarki: Klots’ Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha augusta: Augusta Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha aurilacus: Gold Lake Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha baroni: Baron’s Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha bayensis: Bay Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha edithana: Strand’s Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha fridayi * Euphydryas editha hutchinsi: Hutchins’ Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha gunnisonensis: Gunnison Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha taylori: Taylor’s Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha quino: Quino Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha insularis: Island Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha

List of subspecies of Euphydryas editha

This list of subspecies of Euphydryas editha is subject to change as the nomenclature is altered or new subspecies are found. Euphydryas editha: Edith’s Checkerspot Butterfly. * Euphydryas editha alebarki: Klots’ Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha augusta: Augusta Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha aurilacus: Gold Lake Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha baroni: Baron’s Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha bayensis: Bay Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha edithana: Strand’s Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha fridayi * Euphydryas editha hutchinsi: Hutchins’ Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha gunnisonensis: Gunnison Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha taylori: Taylor’s Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha quino: Quino Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha insularis: Island Checkerspot * Euphydryas editha