Live Cargo

Live Cargo is a 2016 dramatic thriller which premiered in competition on April 15, 2016 at the Tribeca Film Festival. The film was directed by Logan Sandler, his first feature film. Live Cargo's script was co-written by Sandler and Thymaya Payne, who produced and directed the award-winning documentary Stolen Seas. The film stars Dree Hemingway, Keith Stanfield, and Robert Wisdom. Live Cargo was featured alongside five other films in the Champs-Élysées Film Festival's U.S. in Progress Paris section, as well as participating in IFP's 11th annual Independent Filmmaker Lab.

Live Cargo

Live Cargo is a 2016 dramatic thriller which premiered in competition on April 15, 2016 at the Tribeca Film Festival. The film was directed by Logan Sandler, his first feature film. Live Cargo's script was co-written by Sandler and Thymaya Payne, who produced and directed the award-winning documentary Stolen Seas. The film stars Dree Hemingway, Keith Stanfield, and Robert Wisdom. Live Cargo was featured alongside five other films in the Champs-Élysées Film Festival's U.S. in Progress Paris section, as well as participating in IFP's 11th annual Independent Filmmaker Lab.