Liver scratch test

The Liver scratch test is a method medical professionals use in ascertaining the location and size of a patient's liver during a physical assessment. It is often used when other techniques, such as the hepatojugular reflux test either fail or are ineffective, most often due to abdominal distention or muscle tenseness. The Liver scratch test uses auscultation to detect the differences in sound transmission through the abdominal cavity over solid and hollow organs and spaces.

Liver scratch test

The Liver scratch test is a method medical professionals use in ascertaining the location and size of a patient's liver during a physical assessment. It is often used when other techniques, such as the hepatojugular reflux test either fail or are ineffective, most often due to abdominal distention or muscle tenseness. The Liver scratch test uses auscultation to detect the differences in sound transmission through the abdominal cavity over solid and hollow organs and spaces.