Lobster (magazine)

Lobster is a magazine that is interested primarily in the influence of intelligence and security services on politics and world trade, what it calls "deep politics" or "parapolitics". It combines the examination of conspiracy theories and contemporary history. Lobster is edited and published in the United Kingdom and has appeared twice a year for 33 years, at first in 16-page A5 format, then as an A4 magazine. Operating on a shoestring, its distinguished contributors include academics and others. Since 2009 it is distributed as a free downloadable PDF document.

Lobster (magazine)

Lobster is a magazine that is interested primarily in the influence of intelligence and security services on politics and world trade, what it calls "deep politics" or "parapolitics". It combines the examination of conspiracy theories and contemporary history. Lobster is edited and published in the United Kingdom and has appeared twice a year for 33 years, at first in 16-page A5 format, then as an A4 magazine. Operating on a shoestring, its distinguished contributors include academics and others. Since 2009 it is distributed as a free downloadable PDF document.