Local door operation

Local door operation refers to a procedure and system in place on railway rolling stock on the United Kingdom railway network. It is where a single door on a train is operated by its train crew from a crew operated switch, often on a train door control panel operated by the train's guard. This differs from the Emergency Door Release or Egress that can be used by the general public in case of an emergency, this usual requires a cover to be removed or broken to operate and would never usually be used in the normal course of a journey.

Local door operation

Local door operation refers to a procedure and system in place on railway rolling stock on the United Kingdom railway network. It is where a single door on a train is operated by its train crew from a crew operated switch, often on a train door control panel operated by the train's guard. This differs from the Emergency Door Release or Egress that can be used by the general public in case of an emergency, this usual requires a cover to be removed or broken to operate and would never usually be used in the normal course of a journey.