Luna Park, Paris

Luna Park was an amusement park near Porte Maillot in Paris, France from 1907 (or 1909) to 1931. Features of the park included a shoot-the-chutes ride, a scenic railway, "Le Chatouilleur" ("Diabolic wheels", a roller coaster-type ride in which people ride in a car that rocks as it is pulled up a mountain), a river ride through the mountain that was the base of the scenic railway, and a dance hall. An additional attraction was named the Brooklyn Bridge. Its operating hours were from 1:00 p.m. to midnight.

Luna Park, Paris

Luna Park was an amusement park near Porte Maillot in Paris, France from 1907 (or 1909) to 1931. Features of the park included a shoot-the-chutes ride, a scenic railway, "Le Chatouilleur" ("Diabolic wheels", a roller coaster-type ride in which people ride in a car that rocks as it is pulled up a mountain), a river ride through the mountain that was the base of the scenic railway, and a dance hall. An additional attraction was named the Brooklyn Bridge. Its operating hours were from 1:00 p.m. to midnight.