
Lunkerville is a television series dedicated to bass fishing enthusiasts across the U.S.A. and Canada. The host, Michael de Avila, referred to on the show simply as "Mike D," travels around the country fishing with local experts learning their secrets for fishing in their favorite spots. Lunkerville currently airs on television on the NBC Sports Network, the World Fishing Network, Comcast SportsNet, Mountain Lake PBS, Amazon Prime Instant Video and online on the show's official website.


Lunkerville is a television series dedicated to bass fishing enthusiasts across the U.S.A. and Canada. The host, Michael de Avila, referred to on the show simply as "Mike D," travels around the country fishing with local experts learning their secrets for fishing in their favorite spots. Lunkerville currently airs on television on the NBC Sports Network, the World Fishing Network, Comcast SportsNet, Mountain Lake PBS, Amazon Prime Instant Video and online on the show's official website.