Lutheran Churches of the Reformation

The Lutheran Churches of the Reformation (LCR) is an association of Lutheran congregations. The LCR has its roots among groups of Lutherans that broke with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod in the middle of the 20th century, and was formally incorporated in 1964. Church services are generally traditional and reverent in the style of the mid-1900s conservative Christians, as shown by available online church services: Mighty Fortress Lutheran, Denver, CO Youtube Channel..

Lutheran Churches of the Reformation

The Lutheran Churches of the Reformation (LCR) is an association of Lutheran congregations. The LCR has its roots among groups of Lutherans that broke with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod in the middle of the 20th century, and was formally incorporated in 1964. Church services are generally traditional and reverent in the style of the mid-1900s conservative Christians, as shown by available online church services: Mighty Fortress Lutheran, Denver, CO Youtube Channel..