Lviv Chronicle

The Lviv Chronicle (Ukrainian: Львівський літопис) is a Ruthenian chronicle from the early seventeenth century Halychyna. This chronicle reflects the events in Kievan Rus from year 1498 to 1649, revealing valuable information about the political and economic conditions of the Ukrainian lands, as well as their relations with other polities, such as Poland, Muscovy, and the Crimean Khanate. It describes such events as the Crimean Tatar raids, imposition of Catholicism in Western Ukraine by Uniate clergy and nobility, Ukrainian Cossack rebellion of 1630s, and the Khmelnytsky Uprising (1648—1654). It mentions a number of unique facts from Ukrainian history that are not available from any other source.

Lviv Chronicle

The Lviv Chronicle (Ukrainian: Львівський літопис) is a Ruthenian chronicle from the early seventeenth century Halychyna. This chronicle reflects the events in Kievan Rus from year 1498 to 1649, revealing valuable information about the political and economic conditions of the Ukrainian lands, as well as their relations with other polities, such as Poland, Muscovy, and the Crimean Khanate. It describes such events as the Crimean Tatar raids, imposition of Catholicism in Western Ukraine by Uniate clergy and nobility, Ukrainian Cossack rebellion of 1630s, and the Khmelnytsky Uprising (1648—1654). It mentions a number of unique facts from Ukrainian history that are not available from any other source.