Lynskey tribunal

The Lynskey Tribunal was a 1948 tribunal of inquiry into allegations of corruption among British government ministers and civil servants. The focus of the allegations were Sydney Stanley (real name Solomon Wulkan) a corrupt fraudster con-artist of Polish nationality who also worked as a spy passing information to the Zionist terror group Irgun. The allegations raised public alarm and disgust, in the economic climate of austerity that prevailed in contemporary Britain. Though there were no prosecutions, the enquiry resulted in ministerial resignations. Attempts were further made to deport Stanley, who had never gained British nationality, though this was found to be impracticable. He was then placed under severe restrictions and surveillance in accordance with the Aliens Order 1946 but in 1

Lynskey tribunal

The Lynskey Tribunal was a 1948 tribunal of inquiry into allegations of corruption among British government ministers and civil servants. The focus of the allegations were Sydney Stanley (real name Solomon Wulkan) a corrupt fraudster con-artist of Polish nationality who also worked as a spy passing information to the Zionist terror group Irgun. The allegations raised public alarm and disgust, in the economic climate of austerity that prevailed in contemporary Britain. Though there were no prosecutions, the enquiry resulted in ministerial resignations. Attempts were further made to deport Stanley, who had never gained British nationality, though this was found to be impracticable. He was then placed under severe restrictions and surveillance in accordance with the Aliens Order 1946 but in 1