Made in Chelsea

Made in Chelsea (abbreviated MIC) is a BAFTA award-winning, structured-reality television series broadcast by E4 in the United Kingdom. Made in Chelsea chronicles the lives of affluent young people in the West London areas of Belgravia, Kings Road, and Knightsbridge as well as their travels to other locations including Dubai, Finland, Marrakech, Verbier, Saint-Tropez, Venice, New York City, Barbados, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and the South of France.

Made in Chelsea

Made in Chelsea (abbreviated MIC) is a BAFTA award-winning, structured-reality television series broadcast by E4 in the United Kingdom. Made in Chelsea chronicles the lives of affluent young people in the West London areas of Belgravia, Kings Road, and Knightsbridge as well as their travels to other locations including Dubai, Finland, Marrakech, Verbier, Saint-Tropez, Venice, New York City, Barbados, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and the South of France.